The job market is evolving as we speak. More companies are re-evaluating their office structures. Some are choosing to go virtual on a more permanent basis. This news may be uncomfortable for some, but we are encouraged by it. This is great news for companies and for talent seeking individuals. It could be that companies and talent seekers alike are no longer limited to their geographical area to find their perfect match!
Our team at Espresso Recruiting is continuing to stay optimistic. We love meeting our clients and candidates face-to-face and connecting on a more personal level. There is not anything that can truly replace this approach. However, we are learning to evolve with the market to best meet the needs within our industry.
Whether you are invited to an interview in person or virtually, a great first impression is still -important.
These five tips we are going to share with you apply either way. So let’s get into it.
1.) Plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Allow yourself time in case you run into traffic or need a moment to find out where you may need to park or show up for your interview. It always eases the nerves when you are not in a rush! If you are scheduled for a virtual interview, this concept still applies. Be dressed, have your notes and resume on hand, and be set up into the zoom conference to ensure you have time to adjust if there are any technical difficulties. We all know by now that technology can have its obstacles.
2.) Practice manners and positive body posture. Be polite to everyone you come in contact with from the parking attendant or receptionist to the interviewee. Be aware of your body posture. If you have been invited to the interview you can be confident in what you have to bring to the table! Now, if you are indeed attending virtually, you will not be checking in at a front desk or interacting with a parking attendant. However, being polite and considerate of the interviewee and their time is important. Also, body posture is a big deal for this scenario specifically.
3.) Be prepared. Go through a few general interview questions with a friend so that you do not feel caught off guard. This also helps with your self-presentation and confidence and allows you to reflect on your answers honestly.
4.) Answer questions condensed and concentrated. Do your best not to venture off the question at hand. Stay focused.
5.) Stay positive. When being asked about previous employment, stay positive and factual. Be the light in the room and allow your genuine self to shine.
In our experience over the years, we have learned mastering these five tips can make a big impact on your first impression.
If you are looking for the right talent for your open position or you are a talent seeking individual looking for the next step in your career path contact us today to learn more!